
Spectral Library of Salt Marsh Species

Finally - a publicly available spectral library of salt marsh plants for northern New England! Working with Schoodic Institute, Nearview has compiled a comprehensive spectral library of salt marsh species sampled in 2023 at three separate marsh sites across the coast of Maine. This data set comprises averaged spectra of a minimum of 5 samples for each species, which were then processed to remove outliers using a functional data approach. The remaining samples are averaged to compute a single spectral signature for each species. In cases where plants were flowering, flowers and stems are sampled separately.

Samples were taken using a Spectra Vista Corp. (SVC) 1024i spectroradiometer with LC-RP Pro (leaf clip and reflectance probe) at three separate site locations on the Maine coast in July, September, and October. Each sample was located using centimeter precision GNSS GPS. All raw data samples (and metadata) can be found in the speclib database. We will continue our salt marsh field campaign in summer 2024, and will update these master spectral signatures in fall 2024. Please send any questions to

Species identification probability (of Spartina alterniflora) using multispectral drone imagery and the salt marsh species spectral library.

Salt Marsh Mean Plots (PDF)
Salt Marsh Species List (Text)
Spectral Libraries (ZIP)